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If the Purchase of the Replacement Property is Delayed for a Permitted Period of Time AFTER
the Sale of the Relinquished Property; then, the QI is authorized to Hold the Sales Proceeds in Escrow
(an Insured Exchange Account for the benefit of the Taxpayer).
If the Taxpayer wishes to make Improvements to the Replacement Property with funds from the Exchange Account; both, the Acquisition of the Property, and the Completion of the Improvements MUST occur before Expiration of the 180-Day Deadline.
If the Purchase of the Replacement Property occurs BEFORE the Sale of the Relinquished Property then
the QI is authorized to "PARK" the title from the Purchase with the QI's Exchange Accommodation Titleholder (an EAT).
This could be a much More Expensive Arrangement; because You would have to Ensure Adequate
Financial Arrangements to fund the QI's EAT purchase before the sale proceeds are generated.
Often the EAT, as Owner-Landlord, "Leases" the "Parked Property" to You, to possess as a
Tenant and NOT as Owner, until the Sale of the Other Property and Completion of the Exchange;
when you can then take Possession as Owner.
The 1031 Exchange Center LLC is an IRS Qualified Intermediary that is not permitted to give legal or tax advice. Please consult with your legal or tax advisors concerning your specific case. But for a complimentary confidential evaluation, please click the button below.
The 1031 Exchange Center LLC
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